Thursday, 17 November 2011


Yeah, I'm back. Well, i decided that this blog shouldn't be about My problems. I should make this blog bit happier. Well, that's why i changed it to " Love. " Heeh. Its better.
Okay anyways, well. Last night, i've been thinking. And, i SMSed him that we shouldn't see each other for a few days. Well, then i thought " But wouldn't life suck without him around ? " And basically, in the end i told him, to forget it and meet me today.
Well, basically, i couldn't live without him. If he and i were to break up, well, i think i just can't get over it. Yeah, i love him THAT much. And if he would just walk away from my life " Just like the clouds, my eyes will do the same, if you walk away, it would rain. "
You heard of the new song " It will Rain " by bruno Mars ? Well, it's fricking nice. And well, it kind of represents me, for no apparent reason.

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