Wednesday, 16 November 2011

My First Entry.

Okay so this is my first entry. Well, this blog is about my jealousy. See, i have this boyfriend whom i love alot. We both trust each other in everything. Well, but i got this problem. My boyfriend, well, last time he was a flirt. He used to ask random girls for stead. But now, when he stead with me, it's like he's no longer a flirt. He no longer ask random girls for stead, but the thing is. I still can't trust him in this kind of things. 
 Like, whenever there's a cute girl around, he would look at them, sometimes he would even stare at them. It's like, someone random day, there's gonna be a girl who's going to take him away from me. And whenever i catch him looking at girls, i would always suddenly keep quiet. Trying not to cry. He knows about this problem. He would always say ' Im never going to leave you '. But what if he did leave me ? Even though he promised not to ? Sometimes promises are meant to be broken. Are they ? 

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