Friday, 18 November 2011


Today, i almost broke up with him.
 Well, i saw his FB status and it sounds like he wants to break up with me. He nearly did.
But he didn't. Thanks to my friends, they helped him change his mind. But that time when he almost broke up with me, i was crying like i never cried before. I didn't even cried that hard when my mother died ! But, now, we're still together.
 He wanted to break up with me because everyday we always have problems. Even the smallest problem can lead to tears. I kept promising him that we won't have any problems...but i the end, we still have those problems. But now, after he ALMOST breaking up with me, i finally woke up. From now on, i would TRY to not cause any problems. I mean like, i'm already sick and tired of fighting and crying. I just want happiness. Not heartbreaks, HAPPINESS.
 He gave me another chance, and this time, i finally know what to do.  

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