Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Don't talk about your ex-girlfirends...please ?

 I hate it when he talks about his ex-girlfriends. 
  You know why ? Well, its because, i'm his girlfriend. And sometimes, he would tell me about his ex-girlfriends.
It's like, somehow, deep inside of me, i feel like he has some feelings for them. I don't know. But whenever he talks about them, its's like...he still have feelings for them i don't know. 
  I'm just very insecure, because of all the heartbreak i had. I have met with Mr Player, Mr Flirter and Mr I don't care about you anymore. I just don't want to have anymore heartbreak. I mean like my current boyfriend, he replaced someone in my heart. And he helped me get over my ex-boyfriends. He even helped me quit my bad habit.
 But the thing is, i really don't know if he still have feelings for another girl. I wished, i can trust him. I really want to, but it's just...i cant...That's the problem. 
Even after i went Couple Counselling with him at school, after talking about our issues, i still really cannot trust him in some stuff ( i don't know what stuff, but sometimes, i just suddenly cannot trust him ). Even after, he promised not to lie to me anymore, it's just that  i still can't trust him 100% anymore. But i'm trying to trust him fully again. 
 i know one day i can trust him fully again. 

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