Monday, 21 November 2011

Today -.-

I had another fight, it was about my primary school friend when I assume that she likes my boyf.
He messaged one if my best friends, and its like he doesn't really care if I get jealous anymore. It's like he give up on me. Well, I thought that he wanted to break again. But it wasn't he wanted to hive up on my jealousy.
But the thing that really made me angry was when he said " You have to face the fact that I'm cute and girls like me " at that time I thought he was possessed, because that doesn't sound like at him at all. Okay, fine , I won't do anything if girls out there fall for you okay ? I know alot of girls like you, but you don't need to rub it in right ? Yeah I know, if the same thing happen to you, you won't mind. Because, it won't happen. so what happens when a guy ask me for stead ? Yeah, I know that you'll say I won't accept. But what IF ?
Sometimes, I wish we could exchange lives for a day. See what I'm going through. And I could see what you're going through.

I hope you didn't give up on me.

I hope you knew how I felt when you say " you have to face the fact that I'm cute and girls like me "


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