Sunday, 20 November 2011


I'm so sorry. 

Today, we were like making out and then after that, i randomly slapped him. I mean like i didn't meant it or anything, but it just happened. 
I kept saying sorry. But i still felt guilty. Haish, he told me to tell my friend about this. And i was like " i don't need to tell her EVERYTHING ? She's not my confidante " 

It wasn't on purpose, it just randomly happen. 

I'm so sorry. 

I hope he's not angry or anything.
But the thing is making out when the maid is there ? And what if she saw what we were doing ? Wouldn't she tell his mother and eventually tell us to break up ? That's why sometimes I've been pushing him away whenever he makes out with him, when his family members or maid is at home. But if the family members or maid is not with us, i wouldn't mind at all. 
i can't believe i hit him until like that. 

Haish, I'm so sorry. 

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