Monday, 28 November 2011


i'm sorry for what i did. Or say to hurt you.
I didn't know that you will actually go inside you. I didn't because on the outside, it's like your so tough.
It's like you really didn't care. But after the fights we had. All the things i said to make you cry. I realize, inside, your aren't tough.
I accused you so many times, for so many things, you didn't care. I shouted at you, i slapped you. But no matter what i did, you still loved me.
When we weren't together last time, you helped with my break-ups you were there for me. You were the one that actually cared. You were the only one who understands me. You were the only one who still loves me after every fight, after every thing i do. You were the one who cheered me up when i'm down. Making me smile after every fight.
You were always there for me, no matter what.
Every fight we had, i always wanted to break up with you. But i didn't. I didn't want to give up on us.

I just want to say thank you. For loving me no matter what i did.

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