Monday, 21 November 2011


Warning ; This post has alot of vulgarities. Please excuse this because the owner is just scolding him. Tyvm (:

Theres this guy in my school he really got no life one. He commented on he's DP in FB that he got no life. WHO THE FUCK ASK HIM TO COMMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE !
That fuckd up guy is the one who has no life one. At least Devon got life find girlfriend. But he leh ?! No one wants him, because his face is just really, fucked up.
Then on my status, he still got the face to scold me ! Chibai -.- then my friends and Devon all go scold him also. Chibai, stupid fucking asshole. Jealous people got girlfriend he don't have. The face looks like a fucked up monkey lorh.
Only know how to talk crap only.

No life fucker -.-

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