Saturday, 26 November 2011

STFU -.-

Come on, we're just a normal couple. 

Yeah, i know he used to be a flirt. He used to play with girl hearts. But now he changed. 

He's a changed man. 

He's no longer that guy anymore. Yeah, i know " Once a flirt always a flirt " that aint true. 
It really doesn't apply to ALL boys. He aint a flirt anymore. He sticks to one girl. 
People, want to say bad things about us ah ? I tell you horh, GET A LIFE. Don't you have anything better to do than criticizing who's in a r/s with who ?   If people would do that to you and your girlf/boyf wouldn't you feel the same way ? 

You don't really know him, who are you to judge him ? 

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