Friday, 18 November 2011

He changed me.

I used to be a smoker.

It all started with my ex. He introduced me to smoking. He asked me for a puff, and i stupidly accepted it.
And i continued smoking for 4 months. I was really stupid, i know that it's illegal for me to smoke.
But i eventually stopped smoking smoking.

He helped me to quit.

Actually, because of one of my ex boyfriends i quit smoking, i remembered the date it was 07/07/11
but actually he supported me. But after me and my ex-boyfriend broke up, i found out he still is smoking. At first i was angry, but eventually, i found my real reason for quitting smoking, it was Him. He was the one that i quit smoking,  he also used to smoke but now no longer a smoker. He's clean.

Thanks for changing me <3

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