Sunday, 27 November 2011

The Man Who Can't be Moved.

Once there lived a guy call Robert. He was living in luxury, money and lust. He sleeps with different women every night. He was a bachelor. And after every night, he would go to the park. The park was a special place to him. When he was young, his parents would take him to the park, to see the beautiful pink blossoms. He went to his favourite spot, at the far end of the park, where it's all nice and quiet. But when he went there, there was a lady siting at his spot. The lady was wearing a velvet red coat, and her hair was so sliky and it was shining in the moonlight. Robert was mesmerized by her looks. Like he was in love with her, even though he doesnt know her.
He went towards her and sat beside her. Both looking at the moon. the women, she looked at Robert. Then she looked away. Robert, he finally broke the ice " This was my favorite spot. I would always come here because it was always so nice and quiet. nobody to see me here. It's like my own world. " The women then said " Me and My Lover, we would always come here, we would always sit by this seat and just enjoy the moon. But now, i just come here alone " Robert waas heartbroken, the women had already a lover. But then she continued " but one day, My lover stopped seeing me. He was actually married. He had children and his life was a joy. He just loved his family more than me. "
Robert then said " I'm a rich guy, i sleep with different girls every night. I live in lust. but honestly, i didn't really want to do this. But it's already a habit for me. Once i start a habit, i can't stop. "
For the first time, their eyes met, it lasted for awhile. And finally, the women looked at the watch
" I got to go, call me " she wrote down her number and passed it to him.
That night, Robert kept looking at the piece of paper that the women gave with her number. He wasn't concerted with his partner. He kept thinking what to say to her. But he didn't even know her name.
After much thought, he finally called her.

" Hello ? "
" Hello ?  This is the guy from the park. I was wondering if you would come over my place for dinner tomorrow at 7pm ? "
" Yes sure, i'm free tomorrow, but may i ask, where do you live ? "
" the big house at the end of 5th ave. "
" Okay, see you tomorrow then ! "

Robert then started preparing for tomorrow's night dinner. Even late at night, he still prepared for tomorrow. He was excited and nervous at the same time. He prepared the finest dishes in the world, and tomorrow he will cook them. He then started to arrange the tables, One table and two chairs. He sprinkled the pink blossom's petals around the floor. He made the table. It looked like a 5 star resturuant in his own home.

Finally, it was 7 pm. He was at his backyard. Just siting there waiting for her. Then he finally saw her. She crossed the road. But, there was this sport car. She was on the road, lying motionless, with blood oozing out. The owner of the sports car called the ambulance. Robert was on his knees, next to her dead body. Crying.

" For the first time, i actually, fell in love " He said. Then RObert say her purse, there was a letter for him. He opened it and read it:

Dear Robert, 

Don't you remembered me ? When we were in high school, we would always go to the park, at the far end of it, and just sit there, we would  talk about our future. The kids we have and the big house we would live in. We were in love. You were the bachelor of our school and i was the school nerd, nobody wants me, but you, you made me wanted. As time passed, our love grew. But one day, you fell for another girl. She was better than me, in appearence and personality. Eventually, we became strangers. 
 Time passed, i heard you are a very successful man. With tons of girls who admire you. But have you ever though about me ? When we were high school sweet hearts ? 
I wasn't so lucky, i fell with the wrong man, everyday, everynight, he would come home drunk and beat me up just for fun. I wasn't living in a big luxurous house, but i was living in a smalled cluttred appartment. 
And one more thing, i didn't forget you. 


Robert remembered her. He remembered the times when he was actually in love.
He broke down and cried.

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