Saturday, 21 January 2012


Today was baddd.
You know why ? Because we fought again We fought about my friend urh. He's like 19 this year. And he 'likes' me. Well, appearnetly he called me. And i asked Devon if i could text him back and he simply replied " I don't control your life " or something like that. And he became moody. But, instead i smsed him. So yeah. At that time, it was raining. With Thunder and Lightning and all that. And, i'm scared of thunder. You never know when it's going to " BOOM ! " so yeah. After Devon saying that, there was this very loud thunder i jumped, got scared and cuddled myself. It was cold too. Okay, then he brought up this problem urh. It was about this two girls urh, his friends. And he thought i was jealous. Actually, i used to be. But now, not anymore. Because i know he won't leave me for them urh. He said that he could see it in my eyes that i was jealous. Maybe it was instinct or something. But, at that time i wasn't even paying attention to what he was saying. Also, he also said about me staring at soccer boys. I mean like it was already over. Why do you have to bring it up ? But, nevermind. Haiyaa. And when we walking back home that time, we were like not talking to each other. And when we reach one of the void deck, i was already very sad. So i went to the lift, hands trembling, and went to the second storey. I jumped whenever i saw lightning and closed my eyes whenever i see it. I was at the stairs all alone urh. I wanted someone to hug me and say " Shsss, i'm here, don't be afraid. I'm here...i'm here" haha, i guess i think too much. Or i expect to much. And at the same time, i wondered. If i was good enough for you because, we would always fight, i expect to much of you, sometimes i'm not always there, i'm like giving you so much problems almost everyday. But, the thing is, i love you. And i don't want you to break up with me. Anyways, i saw him coming down from the 3rd storey. And for the first time, i was scared, to see him. I looked away, tears started forming " Oh no...not now, please" i thought. I tried to held back my tears, but the tears were just too much or me to handle. And i started to cry like a baby. And, from behind, he said " Baby" and i cried somemore. He never left me. He was always there. At first, i thought he would leave me. But, in the end, he would never leave me 

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