Thursday, 19 January 2012

I miss those Good Mornings and Good Nights

I missed you smsing me good morning and goodnight.
I mean like now, it's me who's smsing you all that. Haish, what happen ? What happen to the old us ? When we didn't fight at all ? Our relationship was all about smiles and laughter. Not, sadness and heartbreaks. I mean like, now i would be the one who sms you first. And remember last time, your long messages is all about how you love me or something like that ? But now, most of it is all heartbreaking to read. It really is. And, i know you have a problem with me looking at Soccer Boys. I know. Even if you denied it, deep inside. You almost felt the same way when i was like that. But, you do know that no matter what, i would still love you right ? And no, i don't love just because i want to make girls jealous. Pfftt, why should i ? Its just a waste of time. I love you for many reasons i cannot explain.
I just love you for many unexplained reasons.

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