Tuesday, 3 January 2012

My first day of Sec 2

Well, today is going to be my first day of secondary two. Well, I'm actually still in the holiday mood. And my body clock is like scewed up. Because i have to wake a up sooooooo early just to bathe and and all that. Well, it sucks to be in sec two because i need to go for streaming, which means whether or not i would be going to 3NA or 3E next year. Well, i hope i go into 3E next year. I don't want to drop, because i need to stay for 3/2 more years. Anyways, my PE teacher is Tan Bac Cheng (TBC) aghhh, i really don't like his face. It's like a fricking monkey. And, i got this bitchy girl coming into our class. Confirm very...guai one. She's from 1N1 and now she's going into 2E3, my class. And also, there's would also be 2 more indians coming. I think i know who. Actually, i met with them before and also talk to them. They like to talk alot and also step smart. No offence but, i don't like people to show off their smart. I mean like, come on. We know your smart. Don't need to rub it into our faces. And we have already one person in my class doing that job. We don't need a few more people to rub it in too.
Gosh, and also, today i'm going to see all the blur blur secondary ones. Maybe they would be like me when i was secondary one ;  Blur. Like, get lost somewhere in school and end up going for the wrong classes. But, i didn't do that. Just saying. When i reach school, there's going to be a LONG talk by the principal just for the Sec Ones. Welcoming into our school. Actually, i just don't care about them at all. But, when i say long, i really mean long. And after that, we have our fucking annoying attire checks. Where they would be checking our hair and socks, skirts/pants. Basically, EVERYTHING. And, confirm i'm going to get into trouble because of ; My Fringe ( Touching my eye ? ), My Skirt ( Always to short of school standards ) and my socks ( Too Short ) I mean like, why does it fucking matter ? It's our attire, it really just a waste of time. Okay, so i'm off now. Kbye.

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