Sunday, 29 January 2012

Fucking Grandmother.

Well, if you say i should respect my grandmother. You're fucking wrong.
So what's she's old ? So big meh ? Anyways. She's really pushing me to just scream at her. You know why ?
- She's wasting electricity. She on the fan. But does not use it.
- She say wash my dishes. But, her ? She lives the used pots on the sink/stove.
- She turns on the light when i'm TRYING to sleep.
- She thinks she has power because she was ' sent from god ' and she can vandalise people's stuff.
- She NEVER clean her part of them room -.-
- One time, my boyfriend picked me up outside my place. And she saw. She slam door, shout here and there. And it's in the MORNING. And you know what i did to her ? Slam the fucking door hard to her face.
- She think's my stepmother is a ' Demon ' and she vandlize her shelf and all that. Write notes about god destroying her and all that. While i think she's the demon.
- She's does not do anything at home. She just sit by her bed, do nothing. While she can boss people around.
- Oh, she said she's a english teacher. But you know how she speak english ? " What time did you come ? "
logic much ? I don't think she went to school -.-
- She compared me to the children in the philipnes. So what ? I'm not them. I don't know them. And, IM NOT THEM -.-
- She pees on the kitchen floor and does not clean it up -.-
- She thinks she's god VIP -.- everything also brag -.-
- When i go of early, like 4-5 in the morning. I told her not to wake my dad up, i even give hand signal. She still woke him up. I mean, for what ? She fucking what sia.
i wish she can die faster. I mean like, she's very very troublesome. And alot of people will be better if she just die. So do you think i should respect her ?
Fuck You very much

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