Tuesday, 3 January 2012

The end of the first day.

Well, today was tiring ! Well, when i reached school , i arrived there very early. Like EARLY. And i made fum of the sec one girls that their skirts were long like hell. Then, i was the first to seat down. And there was this china girl sitting behind me. And she didn't seat properly. And i actually say her *AHEM AHEM* i was like OMFG. And she was really that blur, because she from china what. Whatdoyouexpect ? And she's new in bendemeer. And after flag raising cermony, The Sec2/3/4/5 went to the hall. And i tell you it was SIAN TTM. We had a total of 2 LONGGGG talks. But, not like the Sec 4 and 5s they had 2 more to go. Count us lucky. Okay, so after that, we went back to class and did our intro to the new students. But, most of our classmates know each other very well. Yeah. And after that, we had history with our fast talking teacher. He talked fast. Like fast. And after that was torture. We had 4 period of the SAME teacher. And i tell you, i fell asleep during that time. My head was like bobbing away. And so did the some of the classmates. Haish, i hate school .

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