Monday, 9 January 2012

I miss you.

I'm sorry for all the stuff, i did, that almost broke our relationship apart. The lies i told, crushing on a guy. My jealousy, everything. Maybe, the problems are all my fault. I don't know why we're still together. But, i have a very strong feeling, we're mean't to last forever.
But, i guess. I'm changing. Because, i noticed that, i have become angry/irritated for no reason. Keeping quiet for no reasons. I guess, i'm releasing all the kept emotions inside of me. All the anger, pain, etc. Just now, i hung up while he was talking. Well, i feel kind of bad. Because he was saying " I love you " and i hung up. Actually, i didn't really do it purposely. I was kind of irritated at that time. Haish. I don't urh. But, by now he's sleeping. Yeah Kbye.


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