Monday, 2 January 2012

It's just me.

Say everything you want. All those words that hurt me. I guess, i should absorb it in. The Inside me, i'm just a girl with a fragile heart. A heart, that has been played, broken, and cheated on. Those happy eyes are actually, sad eyes badly wanted to be loved, to be accepted for who i am. To be noticed. Those smiles are fake. Thanks to all those saddness that happy to me. You just gossip about me till there's no tomorrow. I guess, you have no heart. You're just thinking about yourself. Not, thinking about other people's feelings. How sad they would be. How hurt they would be. You guys are just plain mean. Thinking about you self. Not others too. Don't you know people out there, needs to be loved so badly ? You don't. You know why ? Because you only think about yourself. You keep on complaining about the littlest things, not knowing that people out there are far worse than you. Are living in complete hell. Count yourself lucky that you have a home, have a family and friends that loves you. have food to eat and have good health. Will in other parts of the world. People don't have what you have. You're just taking everything for granted.  

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