Sunday, 11 December 2011

Okay, i tried.

I thought that having a heart to heart talk with him, would actually, work. Making our relationship better. Honestly, i thought that everything would be settled. But, not actually. Haish, it's like honestly. He wasn't trying. I asked him, then he said anything. ANYTHING. Haish, no offense, but. Anything ? I don't make the decisions for you. And, you said, my answer would just make me angry -.- but at least it's better than ANYTHING right ?
Anyways, we talked. For only a few minutes. We talked about fighting over small things. About, that time when we fought because of his game -.- yes, i don't understand, because i'm a fucking girl, and i SUCK at video games. I SUCK AT EVERYTHING. But, we almost broke up because of that. Anyway, we continued, i wanted to say more, but, it's going to make everything worse. So i just kept quiet. I didn't want to argue anymore. I really gotten tired of fighting over the smallest things. We fought about ; taking an off day during work, just because he's lazy to report for work. Xbox game. Me not wanting to go to his cousin birthday party. A fucking test (idw give ans)  Anything under the blue. I mean like honestly, doesn't he think it's time to say what's on our minds. Still can answer anything ? Haish, if only he said yes or no -.-
I wanted to say more things. But, the way he acted, it's like he wasn't interested with the talk. I still remember last time, when we had the talk it was like we settled everything. And, it was different. Then, i just stopped. The talk didn't do anything. I'm really trying the best i can to make our relationship better. Honestly, i'm trying the hardest i can. But, it just ends up me crying almost every night. Because, in the end, trying to make everything better, we would just fight.

I'm tired of this. I'm tired of fighting. Sometimes i just want to give up. I just want to die.

I'm sick and tired of crying.

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