Monday, 26 December 2011

Missing Him

It would have been 3 years come March 6, that I began dating the love of my life. I was 17,and so was he. Things moved really fast between us. We had moved in together 3 months into our relationship. Life together was different but fun. September past, he moved to begin an aprentise program for mechanic, I decided to stay which did not last long, I missed hime to much, shortly after I moved with him. A little over a month ago, we broke up for good, playing house is not easy, in fact very hard at our age. I moved home, now feeling like it was the worst mistake of my life. He met other people and so did I, the difference is all I wanted was him. I could not spend much time with other guys for I always find myself comparing them to him, if I keep doing that I will never find anyone who is good enough for me!! I love him with all my heart and soul, I miss him deeply, I still believe that there is a chance for us so I will not give up. Like they say Stranger things have happened!

This is for every girl or guy who is still in love but feels that the love has died. There is always a second chance, if you truly love, don't give up! 

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