Saturday, 10 December 2011


Today, was fucked up. 
It was all because of your cousin birthday party and because of my need of sleep we fought. 
Basically, i was planning to spend my Saturday sleeping. Because, of my lack of sleep. But, got his cousin birthday party. I really don't want to go. But, he kept forcing me. Even if he's not trying. He would just force me. Which made me kept changing my mind. He said i was selfish. Because, i didn't want to go because i need my sleep. Honestly, i need my sleep. My sleep is not enough. Because of work. Then, because, of one fucking small thing, we fought. I mean like honestly ? We shouldn't fight for one fucking small thing. I got angry, because, of this. I was tired of fighting over fucking small things. Honestly, i almost gave up. But i didn't. I didn't want to. By then, i was already fucking pissed. Because, of this. I was literary fucking sick of fighting. Over small things. And when i said, i would go. Because, that's the only thing that settles everything. But, he said nevermind, forget i asked. I wanted to just shout " I SAID I'M GOING WITH YOU BUT YOU DON'T WANT ?! WTF ?! " but i just stormed of instead. I was really fucking pissed. The point where i  wanted to kill someone.
This morning we also fought. I was sunddenly moody. But actually, i wasn't. I was actually angry that you just ignore otp earlier. I cooling off. Then, you said i was moody, i didn't talk to you. But, honestly, i tried to...make a convo. But, i tried, but in the end, It failed. I tapped you, you gave me the " What Lah -.- "  face. And i didn't bother making a convo. 

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