Tuesday, 6 December 2011

I did something stupid yesterday.

Yesterday i was so pissed off at him yesterday. When he smsed me that " to him, i'm nothing " I totally lost it. I was actually on the way home. I was going to the bus stop.Then i saw that message. I got angry. At the same time, i wanted to break down. So instead of going home. I just walked, i smsed my other friend that i'm just walking. Then he got worried, at that time, i don't know how HE was feeling. At that time, i was thinking of running away. I wanted to. But when HE smsed me to go home or i was no longer his, basically his threating to break up. I didn't want to risk it. So instead, i just waited for my bus at the nearest bus stop. Then, my friend called me. He asked if i was i was going home. And i said, yes, i am. He didn't believe me. Then i proved him that i was in the bus. Then i hanged up. I sat at the back. And beside me was this couple. So loving. Then a couple of malay guys sat beside me. I was already starting to cry. Tears kept streaming down my face. I really couldn't just stop it. I then recieved another message from him. He said that i caused him too much scars in his heart. Then how about me ? You did it to me too. And another message saying that i was his " friend, nothing more nothing less. " i was thinking, he broken up with me. I started crying. I headed for the nearest stairs to cry. Cry it all out. But at that time, i did'nt have enough tears. 
But, he called me. We were talking, he didn't actually break with me. And finally he said, i love you. 

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